About Us


The Town is situated at 22 53” N and 82 2” E. It is in the Chandannagore sub-division in Hooghly District of Burdwan Division in the state of West Bengal. It is situated in the middle part of the Hooghly District . The Town is connected both by railway and State Highway.The Town is 48 km. From Chinsurah, the District Headquater and 45 km from Chandannagore, the Sub-Divisional Headquarter and 58 km from Kolkata, the State Capital by railway (BG) .It is also connected with other urban centers of District with motorable roads.


At present the area of the town is 3.88Sq km. The Municipal area is divided into 15 No. wards for administrative purpose. Tarakeswar town is situated in the center of Tarakeswar Block .Four Gram Panchayet surround this Municipality . North portion of this town is Bhanjipur Gram Panchayat, south portion is Ramnagar Gram Panchayet, east portion is Baligori (1) Gram Panchayet and west portion is Sontoshpur Gram Panchayat.

Population as per 2001 Census is 28,178, Male population is 14,986, Female population is 13,192. The Sex ratio (i.e. number of female per 1000 males) of population is 880. The gross density of population is 7262 person per Sq.km.


The important feature of the climate is that summer is oppressive rainfall is profuse and humidity is high. In winter the temperature often below 10 C started from November and till the end of February . In the summer the temperature crosses 40C . The average temperature ranges between 22C and 35C. The general wind direction south , south-west . The rainy season is between June and September and the average rainfall is 1520mm.


The soil is reach fertile forms of new alluvial on clay subsoil with clay surface at some place. The town lies in the flat alluvial plain.


The Tarakeswar is in the Chandannagore Sub-Division under the Burdwan Division in the District of Hooghly. It is also under the Tarakeswar Police Station and Tarakeswar Block. The town comes the status of Municipality on 6th August 1975 . The Municipality is divided in to 15 No. of Wards. The town accommodates Block Development Office, Police Station, Fire Service Office and other various office of different departments of the Govt. and Semi-Govt. level. Detail list of office are given in the town feature.


The Tarakeswar being linked as a terminal station of Howrah – Tarakeswar line of Eastern Railway. The town is linked with its region mostly by Railway and Roadway. The linkage of the Roads.

  • Kolkata – The State Capital by the Railway & Roads
  • Chinsurah – The District headquarter, by Railway & Roads
  • Chandannagore – The Sub-Diviusion headquarter by the Rail & Roads
  • Arambagh – The other important Sub-Divisional headquarter, by tarred motor-able Roads.

Tarakeswar being a famous pilgrim station is linked with the District of Bankura,Burdwan, Purulia, Birbhum, Midnapur, Malda, Howrah and different urban centers by tarred Motor-able Roads and Railway. At present near about 60(sixty) nos. bus routes connect different urban centers of the state with Tarakeswar . At present the main mode of travel within the town is cycle, rickshaw as buses are not allowed to ply inside the proper town.



Economy of the town is based on mainly on Agriculture and Trading, very small in  Industries. There are 3 Nos. of Cold storage and few Nos. of oil Mill, Jute Bags, Soap Factory,  and Candle manufacturing units in the town.\


It has been started that economy of the town is based on agriculture and trading, So main occupation of the town is Trade, Commerce, Agriculture. The percentage of literate person is 72% in this Municipality. Agriculture workers & other are 988 and 9318 respectively.



There are one Rural Hospital, 5 Nos. of Nursing Home, with 30 Nos. of Doctor’s in the town. One Municipal Health Center.


The town has 3 nos. of  Higher Secondary Schools, 1 no. of Secondary School, 1 no. secondary school, 14nos. primary school out of which 6nos. Govt. sanctioned and 8 nos. private. There are also one college 3nos. shishu shikha center & 2nos. brunch center of open university.


There are 3 nos. municipal market & 3 nos. shopping center. Road side shopping are cropping up indiscriminately causing congestion for traffic.


There are 2 nos. Cinema Halls, 5 nos. small Community Hall and 4 nos. Play Ground. Srabani Mela , Gazan Mela and Shibaratri mela are organizing by Municipality & Temple Estate. Side by side “Tarakeswar Utsav”, Sports, Cultural Competition  and also traditional art & craft  Mela areorganizing by the Municipality.



The town has got about 45.493 KM road out of which 13.436 KM. is  Bituminous Road, 10.483 KM is Concrete  road, 11.801 KM is  Brick pavement, 1.857 KM is Bats-Moorum roads and 7.914 KM Kancha Road


The town has got a Model Station of Eastern Railway.  The distance between Howrah and Tarakeswar is 58 KM . It has already situated as a transportation center for potato and other green vegetables in South Bengal.


Like all flat terrains the town has some localized drainage problems. Since the town is in the making, there is dearth of proper drainage facility which needs to be attended. There are 4.36 km. of pucca  drains and 3.20 km. of kancha drains.


There are208 nos, Hand operated tube-wells, 7 nos. deep tube-well. Under ground water supply available only on road side at 115 no. road side street posts in 2(part), 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 part & 15(part) no. wards, three times in a day (morning, noon & afternoon, total 7 hours ). The water supply system controlled & maintain by Tarakeswar Municipality.


There is a high demand of commercial shops and organized shopping will help to create additional activities of the town, Two nos, shopping complex  are owned by Municipality. There are a few nos. of oil mills, jute bag making soap making industries and 3 nos. cold storage in the town.


There is one no. housing  complex named ‘MAINAK ABASAN’(G + 3 Story) having 11 nos, bloks of building . It cosist of 132 nos. flats (LIG – 48 nos. & MIG – 84 nos.). The type and pattern of housing facilities in the town presents more or less the similar as could be observed in the other small town of the state.


There is no underground Sewerage System in this Town. The garbage of the towns is collected by the Municipal Authority and dumped for filling up of low lands.


The power is controlled and maintained by the W.B.S.E.D.C.L and street light provide by Municipality.


Land use pattern of the Municipality are residential land  – 26.63 % ,agricultural land – 25.60%  commercial land – 6.44 %, residential cum commercial land –  8.76 % and also percentage of land lying vacant and un-utilized is 17.01%. Apart from that 7.75% land is remaining as Wet lands and Lakes. There is sufficient scope of developing Agricultural produce processing industries utilizing the agricultural produce of the region, vacant land and vibrant market.

Introductory Note by Chairman

Tarakeswar Town is situated in the district of Hooghly of West Bengal. It is a famous pilgrim place for the temple of Lord Siva(Taraknath). Its importance has raised to its zenith because near about 15 to 20 Lakhs of Pilgrims from different places of India and abroad pour  to this town to visit the temple and offer their “Puja” to the Lord Siva. It is also considered as the “Gateway to Kolkata”, the capital of West Bengal. Tarakeswar is connected with Kolkata by railway and road. It is densely populated and nearly thirty to forty thousand people use this town daily for going to Kolkata and coming to visit the temple of Lord Siva.. Moreover, lakhs of people assemble at the time of Srabani Mela , Gazan Mela, Shivaratri Mela etc. to offer worship to Lord Siva.

Tarakeswar Municipality not only looks after the amenities of the citizens of Tarakeswar but equally provides services to the Pilgrims who visit this place of Pilgrimage for worshiping. Tarkeswar Municipality is duty bound to offer necessary amenities to those pilgrims who pour in our town as well as the daily Commuters. The well experienced and dedicated band of staff including the representative of people i.e the councillors are always alert about their duties and try heart & soul to look after the need and demand of people.

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